Palace Fast-Flex more information:
PALACE FAST-FLEX is a polymer-modified, cement-based, protein-free, sub-floor smoothing underlayment, giving a consistently level screed up to 30mm thick. It incorporates specially blended cements, graded sands, built-in polymer, anti-shrink agents and organic super-plasticisers, which when mixed with water give the ideal properties for application over a comprehensive range of floor surfaces such as tamped or worn concrete and sand/cement floor screeds, plywood and dense impermeable surfaces. It is also suitable for heated sub-floors. It will give improved adhesion to all types of substrate and provide enhanced abrasion and point-load resistance. This product is not suitable for external application.
Compatible Substrates:
- Sand / Cement screeds
- Tile backer boards
- Existing ceramic & stone tiles
- Existing vinyl tiles
- Anhydrite screeds*
- Concrete slabs
- Plywood overlay
- Under-floor heating
- Flooring grade asphalt
- Epoxy DPM
- Moisture stable adheisves
*Anhydrite [Calcium Sulphate] based Screeds:
Mechanically remove any loose material / laitance to give a clean, dry, solid dust-free surface prior to the application of PALACE MULTI-PRIME (first cost diluted 1 to 1 then 2nd coat neat) to ensure a protective barrier is established. Drying times of this class of screed can be at a rate of 1mm screed depth per day (2mm per day is > 40mm deep). Anhydrite screeds which already incorporate pre-installed underfloor heating systems can use this heat source to reduce drying times, along with de-humidifiers operating in the room, which will also speed up the drying process.
The Relative Humidity (%RH) test result in the subfloor should be less than 75% RH, (residual moisture content < 0.5%) however where this cannot be achieved within a manageable period of time, the application of a Damp -Proof Membrane (1-COAT DPM) is recommended to be applied after the PALACE MULTI-PRIME barrier preparation step (above) has already been completed.
Palace Fast-Flex technical information:
Specification | BS EN 13813:2002 |
Classification | CT-C30-F7 |
Working time @ 20oC | 20 - 30 min |
Flow properties (using a 30mm x 50mm flow ring) | >130mm |
Initial set Foot traffic Ready for tiling | 60min 180 min 4hrs for a 3mm layer |
Compressive Strengths (N/mm2 - | 1 day >7.0 7 days >21.0 28 days >30.0 |
Flexural Strengths: (N/mm2 – to BS EN 13892-2) | 1 day >2.0 7 days >5.0 28 days >7.0 |
Coverage: 20kg of FAST FLEX powder mixed with 4.0 litres of water will cover as follows: | 5.0M2 at 3mm depth 2.5M2 at 6mm depth 1.0M2 at 10mm depth |
Application Temps: | >5’C and <35’C |
Pack size: | 20kg |
Floors coated with a Surface Damp Proof Membrane:
Damp-Proof Membrane coatings such as PALACE 1-COAT DPM should be treated as non-absorbent substrates and applications of PALACE FAST-FLEX should be completed within 12 hours of the DPM being first applied (Consult PALACE 1-COAT DPM technical data sheet). Sand blinding the freshly applied DPM will assist with improving the bond to over-laid screeds.
Underfloor Heating Systems:
Heating wires must be securely fixed to a sound consistent substrate such as cement backer board. PALACE FAST-FLEX should then be applied at a thickness which allows for a clearance above the elements of no less than 5mm depth of levelling compound to ensure a smooth even finish will be attained prior to laying the finished decorative or resilient surface. Always allow at least three weeks before the heating elements are switched on at the lowest setting and then only raise the temperature progressively by 2’C per day over the following week.
Plywood Overlay (Internal only):
Check that plywood overlay is flooring grade compliant to EN 314:2 Class 3 Exterior before applying PALACE FAST-FLEX and ensure that new or existing boards are pre- conditioned to the environment in which they will be used. Plywood sheets must be a thickness of 15mm minimum & screwed to a secure, stable substrate at 150mm centres. Ensure there is sufficient ventilation beneath substrate and that the plywood has been fitted competently and will take the weight of the leveller, adhesive and the final anticipated in-use loading without any risk or sign of deflection. It should be dry and free of any contaminants, loose dust or dirt. Existing plywood showing signs of wear or abrasion will require priming with PALACE MULTI-PRIME diluted 3-parts water, to 1- part PALACE MULTI-PRIME. New, uncontaminated plywood does not require priming prior to over-laying with PALACE FAST-FLEX.
Dense or Power Floated Concrete:
Ensure the surface has been allowed 7 days to cure. Ensure new concrete is confirmed dry via consistent moisture readings across the whole surface. Concrete screeds must have a reading of less than 75% relative humidity (RH) is advised before proceeding to over-lay. Remove any laitance or friable top finish from the surface mechanically whilst scoring & etching the surface before takins up all remaining dust residues by vacuum.
New concrete
Floor slabs must be allowed at least 6 weeks drying time equivalent to 1 day per mm up to an overall depth of 50mm and 2 days per mm for anything above 50mm. Ensure new concrete is tested via consistent moisture readings across the whole surface whereby a reading of less than 75% relative humidity (RH) is advised before work can commence. Remove any laitance from the surface mechanically and ensure that oil, grease curing agents and any other friable materials are removed ideally by vacuum. If the surface is relatively porous prime the surface with PALACE MULTI-PRIME diluted as 1 part to 3 parts water and allow to dry.
Sand/Cement Screeds:
Recently installed sand/cement screeds must be allowed a minimum of 4 weeks to dry sufficiently. Ensure new sand/cement screed is confirmed dry via consistent moisture measurements across the whole surface. Sand/cement screeds must have a moisture reading of less than 75% relative humidity (RH) before any levelling compound can be applied over it. Remove any laitance from the surface mechanically and ensure that any other contaminants are cleared from the surface. ideally by a vacuum cleaner. On porous or worn screeds, prime the surface with PALACE MULTI-PRIME diluted as 1- part primer to 3 parts water and then allow to dry.
Flooring Grade Asphalt:
New asphalt must be left for a minimum of 7 days and degreased to remove surface bloom. If cracks are visible repair will be necessary to give a strong subfloor. Check the floor is in good condition and that there are no signs of de-bonding and/or hollowness. Recently asphalted floors that are smooth & impermeable will benefit from a slurry coat of MULTI-PRIME mixed 1 to 1 with neat cement and blinded with sand to improve the bond & key.
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