Larsen Streetscape Flowable Jointing Mortar FJM Eco Smooth further information
FORM | Granular |
COLOUR: | Natural Grey, Charcoal, Buff and Mid-Grey |
MAX AGGREGATE: | 0.6 mm |
HAZARD INFORMATION: | Contains cement. Consult Safety Datasheet before use |
CLEANING | Clean tools, equipment, etc. using warm water. Mechanical means are necessary when the product has set. |
PACKAGING | 25 kg multilayer paper |
STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS: | Store unopened containers in a dark, cool, dry location away from extremes of temperature |
SHELF LIFE: | Minimum 6 months in unopened manufacturer's containers temperature |
Larsen Streetscape FJM Eco Smooth application information
WATER DEMAND | 4.5to5.0Lper25kg |
WORKING TIME | Approx. 30 minutes @ 20°C |
JOINT DIMENSIONS | 4–50mmwidth/upto200mmdepth |
TIME TO TRAFFIC | Light Foot Traffic - after 1 hour Vehicle Traffic - after 4-6 hours (depending on site conditions) |
YIELD | 13.6 L (approximately) per 25 kg bag |
Larsen Streetscape FJM Eco Smooth – typical performance information
SHRINKAGE | 0.02% |
The substrate and paving should meet the requirements of BS 7533 part 101 dependent on the type and level of traffic. All joints must be suitable to receive the jointing mortar as per current good working practices. All paving units and joints to be grouted should be clean, thoroughly sound and free from oils, grease, dust, loose particles or any other contaminants which may interfere with adhesion. Thoroughly saturate the paving, joints and bedding before grouting using plenty of water. Remove any ponded water from the surface and joints prior to grouting. Construction movement joints should not be filled with Larsen Streetscape FJM Eco Smooth.
Add 4.5 – 5 L of water per 25 kg bag to achieve the desired workability without bleed. Mix with a suitable mechanical mixer for a minimum of 3 minutes. Larsen Streetscape FJM Eco Smooth is designed to be used as a fluid grout at the above water ratios. Where necessary less water can be added, for example, when laying to falls. Adding extra water to create a more liquid consistency will affect the hardened properties, the final colour & risks settlement & bleed. Do not attempt to remix or wet up FJM Eco Smooth which has undergone an initial set.
Streetscape FJM Eco Smooth can be applied to joint widths of 4 – 50 mm and up to 200 mm depth in a single pour. Due to the fluid nature of Larsen FJM Eco Smooth, it’s important to ensure there will be no escape of material into drains etc. FJM Eco Smooth can be applied by pouring from a watering can or similar along the joints or by flooding the entire area and working it into the joints using a squeegee. Once product has been applied, keep the area wet using a spray of water, never allow it to dry on the surface before, during or after the cleaning process. Allow Larsen FJM Eco Smooth to firm up in the joint before attempting to clean the surface of the paving. This is carried out by spraying with water and using a squeegee or brush taking care not to wash material from the joints. Keep wetting and cleaning until all residue is removed from the surface. Due to the rapid setting characteristics, extra care should be taken not to allow the grout to dry out or harden on the surface of the paving particularly in warmer temperatures. Freshly grouted areas should be protected from foot traffic for a minimum of 1-2 hours and vehicular traffic for a minimum of 4-6 hours, dependent on temperature and site conditions.
Adding extra water to create a more liquid consistency or extend setting times in warmer temperatures, or not measuring the amount of water prior to mixing will affect the final colour, hardened properties, cause product to settle low in the joint (settlement) and risks bleed. Washing FJM Eco Smooth from the surface of paving before its firmed up in the joint introduces extra water whilst product remains in its plastic state, this is also classed as overwatering & will affect the final colour, hardened properties, cause product to settle low in the joint (settlement) and risks bleed. When FJM Eco Smooth is overwatered during the mixing process, water not measured prior to mixing or washed from the surface before its firmed up in the joint it can appear a buff or orange colour once set. This is due to all the fines including the binder element being washed from the product which exposes the darker sand within the formulation.
Larsen FJM ECO is a rapid setting product, temperature will affect workability and setting times, hotter temperatures accelerate. When working in hotter temperatures consider applying FJM Eco Smooth earlier in the day, keep bags out of direct sunlight, mix with cool water, pre-soak paving with cool water. Mix in smaller quantities working manageable areas only. Do not use if the ambient temperature is 25°C and rising.
In adverse weather conditions, paving should not be laid or jointed if the temperature is below 3°C on a falling thermometer or 1°C on a rising thermometer. The surface of the substrate should not be frozen before bedding and fresh bedding protected from inclement weather or freezing until sufficient strength is achieved for damage not to occur. All work should be carried out following guidance in BS 7533.
Larsen Streetscape FJM Eco Smooth – QUALITY
Larsen Streetscape FJM Eco Smooth is manufactured in a plant controlled under an integrated management system third party certified to BS EN ISO 9001 & BS EN ISO 14001. All orders are sold subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. The information and recommendations provided are given in good faith based on our current knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored, handled and applied in accordance with current best practice, national standards and our recommendations.
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